For our God is a consuming fire.

-Hebrews 12:29

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Saturday, February 27, 2010


Yoga Alliance has made me bona fide. Earlier today, I may have checked the website for the eleventeenth time to see if my RYT was posted. Lo and behold, it was!

I don't know about you, but my lasik surgery of five years past isn't holding up like I'd hoped. I can't read that tiny print! Shall we examine a blow-up to confirm? Yes, let's shall.

Just in time too, as I believe I will be teaching yoga in a formal capacity starting this week. More on that to come, as I've not received the teaching schedule. But it appears that last weekend's audition was met with approval by the students, and I was invited onto Stroga's March teaching schedule! Swaha!

Did you know that bona fide is a Latin phrase meaning “in good faith"? I know it's most often used to mean “genuine” today, but I like the strict definition of origin. As I teach yoga, I am doing so in good faith that this practice is ripe with benefits of the physical, mental and spiritual kind. I'm eager to share those benefits with those eager to learn. What an amazing gift to partake of and now to pass on. I'm "genuinely" honored.

In the movie O Brother Where Art Thou, my husband's doppelganger George Clooney finds himself in a much different position. Let's take a look.

Finally, I've got the papers to prove my registered yoga teacher status. Proving to the world what I've guessed all along: I'm certifiable.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

HYSTERICAL! I know I'm slow in catching up. And of course I know of your yoga teaching but WOW! Baptism by fire, huh?