For our God is a consuming fire.

-Hebrews 12:29

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Wednesday, January 21, 2009

Inauguration Day!

There was no way I was going to venture out in the 11 degree weather at 4 a.m. to get a standing-only position on the mall for today's big swearing in. So, the husband and I arrived early at a favorite of ours, Busboys & Poets. This social justice focused bookstore and restaurant was hosting a one megatron viewing of the event. Plus, we could eat and sit in warmth knowing the roaring crowds were a mere 2 miles away. We got great seats and talked with fellow community members squooshed in nearby. The 3 hours until things got under way sped by, and soon the inside din applied the only censorship I hope to see under this administration.

Everyone silenced themselves as the music played, speeches were made and history unveiled itself before our eyes. I was so pleased to be a part of today's we all are! The buzz of the morning stayed with me all day; until this evening when the reality of our econmic crisis hit me upside the head.

We are trying to refinance our home. And news came in that the process we'd been told would be so fluid and care-free now WASN'T. Twice during this refi process, I've come to sobering terms with the fact that if we are having this much trouble, and we find ourselves in a position to be able to research current climate, try to find the best possible deal for ourselves, speak with some knowledge to bankers, etc...if we are having this much much MORE difficult, frustrating and frankly impossible must the home ownership process be for those less fortunate? ppplllbbbbtth.

Seriously, I'm so thrilled to see the hope instilled in our country after the November election and with the official transfer of administration. But somethings have been the way they are for decades, centuries even. How does a system, a nation, a planet expand itself to assist all with similar means of care? I'm crestfallen at our personal struggles, but I'm even more deflated at the fact that comparatively, we are in the blessed upswinging arch of this country's bellcurve.

I was praying to turn to situation over to God; to let Him take control (which He has anyway) and step back from the driver's seat. I'm also much more aware in this moment than I was earlier today, when caught up in the ardor of the inaugural events, that if change is going to come this term and beyond it is up to each of us to reach out to each other and give support. While I do hope this refi situation works out, I hope to hold on to this lesson as the opportunity gained.

God Bless America!!

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